Select your enrolment type from each of the options below.

Select a location
  1. Baywave
  2. Greerton
  3. Mercury Baypark Arena / BayActive
Select a program
  1. *BaySwim Holiday Swimming Lessons - Week 1
  2. BaySwim Holiday Swimming Lessons - Week 2
  3. BaySwim Term 3 2024 Preschool Lessons 3 - 5 year olds
  4. BaySwim Term 3 2024 Adult Lessons
  5. BaySwim Term 3 2024 AquaBabes Under 3's Lessons
  6. BaySwim Term 3 2024 Fast Track and Sensory Lessons
  7. BaySwim Term 3 2024 Korean & Chinese Lessons
  8. BaySwim Term 3 2024 School Age Lessons
  9. BaySwim Term 4 2024 Preschool Lessons 3 - 5 year olds
  10. BaySwim Term 4 2024 Adult Lessons
  11. BaySwim Term 4 2024 AquaBabes Under 3's Lessons
  12. BaySwim Term 4 2024 Fast Track and Sensory Lessons
  13. BaySwim Term 4 2024 Korean & Chinese Lessons
  14. BaySwim Term 4 2024 School Age Lessons
Select a level
  1. Korean Level 1Korean speaking lessons for beginner children, Learning to do 6 straight arms circles freestyle, rolling to breath, Kicking with board on front and back, Able to float on front and back. 수영을 처음 접하는 아이들에게 적합한 반입니다. 물에 뜨는법과 호흡법을 익히며 킥판을 이용해 자유형 팔돌리기와 자Target age: 5 years or older
  2. Korean Level 2Korean speaking lessons for intermediate level, Learning to do Freestyle with good breathing without board, backstroke 20m, start of breaststroke kick and arms. 레벨 2 초,중급자를 위한 반입니다. 자유형 배영 각 20m 완주와 평영 자세 숙지를 목표로 하여 수업을 진행합니다.Target age: 5 years or older
  3. Korean Adults 1This is a class for adults aged 16 and above. The class is conducted in 30 min sessions, and for Level 1, the goal is to achieve a 25m freestyle & backstroke swim. 16세 이상 성인을 위한 수업입니다. 한시간단위로 진행되며 레벨1은 자유형 배영 25m 완주를 목표로 수업을 진행합니다.Target age: 16 years or older
  4. Korean Adults 2This is a class for adults aged 16 and above. The class is conducted in one-hour sessions, and for Level 2, the goal is to achieve a 25m breast stroke& Butterfly. 16세 이상 성인을 위한 수업입니다. 한시간단위로 진행되며 레벨2은 평영 접영 25m 완주를 목표로 수업을 진행합니다.Target age: 16 years or older